Updated on: 4 September 2024.

Q.: Is there an official limit of candidatures to different Erasmus Mundus degrees per year?
A.: This legal limit does not existe anymore since 2019. We would advice you, however, to apply only for this program, if it is in line with you prerequites and professionel outlook. A more detailed answer from the European Commission can be found here: https://www.em-a.eu/post/application-limit

Q.: Does being exempt from tuition fees mean that any possible costs will be covered during my studies, such as attending compulsory events or other activities?
A.: An exemption from registration fees applies to all students taking part in the programme as Erasmus Mundus students. First-year students have their fees covered for the summer school, which is compulsory for them, provided they attend the entire event and report and justify any absence. Failure to comply with these conditions may lead the consortium to demand reimbursement of the costs incurred by the student.

Q.: I have already worked for some time after my bachelor degree. Am I eligible to this program?
A.: Yes.

Q.: I have already obtained a Master degree. Am I eligible to this program?
A.: We do not recommand to do this program after a first graduation. However, if you esteem that you have a good reason please explain your motivation in your cover letter.

Q.: The second semester of the second year includes a compulsory internship. Is the student paid during that internship?
A.: Internships stipends solely depend on national law of countries, the capacities of the labs, companies or institutions in which the student carries out their internship.

Q.: I have filed my application, but I would like to change something. How can I do that?
A.: If you use the same Internet browser, your application should normally still be in the cache. In this case, juste change the documents, that need to be changed. If this is not possible, you can file another application. The evaluation will be based on the most recent file.

Q.: Do I have to pass the EChemtest at application stage?
A.: No. The EChemtest is proposed at some universities during the first year.

Q.: I have difficulties to identify the most appropriate track for me.
A.: You should refer to the general and track specific Learning Objectives. As the first year is not necessarily in English, your language competences should be considered as well. The course language of each track is indicated in the application form.

Q.: If I am a self-funded student, can I choose the track?
A.: Students are selected in study-tracks for which they meet the academic criterion, the pedagogical expectations, and based on the number of available spots. All applicants are asked to rank host institutions in the order of preferences they have when applying, however the consortium cannot guarantee such preferences will be taken into account when finalising the selection process. It is recommended to applicants to base their preferences on academic offers and not solely the location of the universities, as this is mostly how the consortium proceeds when placing students in the different study-tracks available.

Q.:Can I provide the original of my national passport without translating it into English?
A.: If your passport is issued in one of the laguages of the partners universities of this project, you do not need to translate them (English, French, Italien, Portuguese, Slovenian, Ukraninian, Russian). In all other cases, we would need an official translation.

Q.: I have not been selected. Can I appeal to the decision?
A.: Yes. In case of non-selection and if a candidate has grounds to believe that his/her application file, has not been processed through the selection procedure, he/she may engage an appeal procedure by writing a complaint letter to the Coordinating Institution.