
This section describes the registration procedure and contains the platform for the candidates to deposit their files.

All questions relating to the 2025-2027 applications must be sent to Any questions sent to an email address other than this one will not be answered.

Applications for 2024/25 are open.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master - ChEMoinformatics+ : Requirements


All questions relating to the 2025-2027 applications must be sent to Any questions sent to an email address other than this one will not be answered.
Student recruitment for the six double degrees in Chemoinformatics is unified via this single Internet portal. Joint admission criteria have been defined for the existing degrees; they are extended to the Erasmus Mundus Chemoinformatics+ Master’s degree.
Students (...)

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Erasmus Mundus Joint Master - ChEMoinformatics+ : Selection procedure

Selection procedure

The present platform collects all documents needed for registration in any of the universities in the consortium. The ChEMoinformatics+ consortium transfers the files directly to the relevant university in case the candidate is accepted.
The Erasmus Mundus master degree ChEMoinformatics+ has several tracks, so the candidates have to rank all tracks by order of preference. This ranking will be used to maximize the satisfaction of the candidates while, at the same time, (...)

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Erasmus Mundus Joint Master - ChEMoinformatics+ : Scholarships


All Students accepted into the EMJM Chemoinformatics+ programme (with or without a scholarship) are exempt from tuition fees.
Enrolled students with disabilities (with or without scholarship) are eligible for the Contribution for individual needs, such as those related to the acquisition of special items or services (e.g. assistance by third persons, adaptation of work environment, additional travel/transportation costs).
The program also takes in charge a (...)

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Erasmus Mundus Joint Master - ChEMoinformatics+ : Complaints procedure

Complaints procedure

If you are not selected ...
In case of non-selection and if a candidate has grounds to believe that his/her application file has not been processed through the selection procedure or has noy been treated fairly, he/she may engage an appeal procedure by writing a complaint letter to the Coordinating Institution.
Under certain conditions, if after your complaint to the Coordinating Institution has been treated and the reply you received is unsatisfactory, or if you (...)

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Erasmus Mundus Joint Master - ChEMoinformatics+ : Application form - Closed