Application: Scholarships

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All Students accepted into the EMJM Chemoinformatics+ programme (with or without a scholarship) are exempt from tuition fees.

Enrolled students with disabilities (with or without scholarship) are eligible for the Contribution for individual needs, such as those related to the acquisition of special items or services (e.g. assistance by third persons, adaptation of work environment, additional travel/transportation costs).

The program also takes in charge a comprehensive health insurance for all participants.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Scholarships

An EMJM Scholarship is a contribution to the costs incurred by the beneficiary students and shall cover travel, visa, installation and subsistence costs. It is calculated on the basis of a monthly unit cost for the entire period needed by the enrolled scholarship holder to complete the study programme. This period covers study, research, placement activities, thesis preparation and defence, in line with the requirement of the joint Master. Its amount is 1400 euros/ month during the duration of the programme.

The European Commission attributed 76 Grants to the EMJM Chemoinformatics+ between 2022 and 2027. This corresponds to:

  • 40 scholarships available for students from Programme countries See for the definition
  • 20 Scholarships availables for students from Partner countries (All other countries)
  • 16 Scholarships for students from the NDICI region (Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, The Republic of Moldova, Morocco, occupied Palestinian territory, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine)

This corresponds to 22 EMJM scholarships per intake.

Students apply for a master’s programme, in which they may or may not benefit from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship. By its nature, this master’s degree is not a scholarship programme, but a joint master involving a consortium of universities located in different countries.

The number of scholarships attributed is limited for each edition. The Selection Committee therefore strongly encourages all applicants to look for alternative sources of fundings which they might be eligible for. Some examples below, in the section ’Grants from external sources’.

EMJM scholarships can be offered to students from all over the world. However, consortia should ensure geographical balance - i.e. no more than 10% of the total number of scholarships awarded during project implementation should be awarded to candidates from the same nationality.

Additionally, applicants who have already benefitted from an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master scholarship are not eligible to apply for an additional scholarship.

Important: students must go on a mobility with their own budget, which should cover part of their expenses. The Erasmus Mundus Scholarship is not a salary but a contribution, and should not constitute the entirety of a student’s budget whilst on mobility.

Source: Erasmus+ Programme Guide

Regular Erasmus+ Grants

Inside the consortium, bilateral agreements are in place between Strasbourg and Lisbon, Milan, Ljubljana, and between Paris and Milan. Therefore, students who chose a track that includes these partners can be apply for regular Erasmus + grants for their mobility period.

There exist also a programme for International Credit Mobility (ICM) between Bar Ilan and Strasbourg, that will run until 2023.

Special Grants from Partner universities

Some partners offer also study grants to their students for which students in this course are eligible.

Grants from external sources

  • France-Slovenia: The mobility of students is based on the ERASMUS program. Additionally, the “Institut Français de Slovénie” offers generous grants to Slovenian students doing a mobility in France.
  • France (Paris)-Italy: The SMARTS-UP Graduate Schools programme, managed by the Université Paris Cité, aims to promote the internationalisation of Master’s programmes and help attract the best international students in order to constitute a pool of excellence for the recruitment of future doctoral students.

In this context, 10,000EUR scholarships are offered for the academic year 2024-2025. Applications can be submitted between 1 December 2024 and 17 January 2025!

More information on the application process here. You must choose the graduate school named ’Drug development’, mention Bioinformatique, track In Silico Drug Design - Bioactives Molecules .

Other Erasmus+ studies grants might be possible for semesters in Milan.

  • France-Ukraine: scholarships are offered by the French Embassy in Ukraine.
  • Strasbourg and Tel-Aviv are twin cities. This offers additional scholarship between the two sites.
  • France-Italy: the best students can apply for a scholarship in the Vinci program
  • France-Portugal: the best students can apply for a scholarship from the Pessoa program.
  • For students coming to France: please see Campus France.